BilinGO Campus Sport
BilinGO Campus has an emerging reputation for housing talented athletes, alongside achieving high overall sporting participation numbers. Nearly 60% of this years´ new 5th Year Students have represented one or more of the school Sports Teams this year, with 25% of the overall school population accomplishing the same feat. These statistics help to demonstrate that Sport is an integral part of the daily BilinGO Campus routine. This aids our students to stay healthy, develop a life-long passion for sport, stay concentrated in lessons and most of all – have great fun whilst doing so!
A great emphasis is placed on developing each student as an individual athlete. Every student has their sporting niche – it is up to us to find it! Sport helps to bring the Campus together, developing teamwork, camaraderie and a sense of achieving something as a school community.
Here are some further details as to what kind of sporting activities our students participate in.
Focus Sports:
BilinGo Campus are reigning Köln Champions at U13 Boys level, collecting the honours at their first attempt at the tournament earlier this year. Fixtures are held regularly for boys and girls against local schools for a variety of age-groups, alongside training sessions that lead up to the City Championships. With an after-school club set to be started next school-year, it is a quickly growing Sport at BilinGO.
The national sport of Germany naturally has a place in the BilinGO students´ hearts. The schools´ very first international Sports Tour in May 2018 clearly demonstrated this, where the U11 and U12 Squads visited London. Boys´ and Girls´ teams compete on a regular basis in friendly-fixtures against a wide variety of talented schools and the students also enjoy a weekly after-school club. With a brand-new Nike Kit and some promising displays in the City Championships, these teams are becoming forces to be reckoned with.
The BilinGO Campus Athletics Team has also provided us with many City Champions, with many winners throughout the various age-groups at the 2018 Köln Championships. BilinGO is able to send large teams of close to 50 students to the various Athletics competitions during the school year, showing a focus of not only looking at the medal table, but also providing as many opportunities for children to represent the school as possible. An after-school Athletics Club will also be started in the next school year.
Other Sports Teams
BilinGO Campus students also participate in many other various sports, such as Netball, Swimming, Tambourelli, Badminton, Hockey and Basketball. Fixtures are held at various points throughout the year, alongside the respective City Championships. Participation numbers are on the rise and things can only continue to go onwards and upwards for BilinGO´s sporting endeavours.